Using Vaseline

There are times when I feel optimistic about the future of the human race. Sure, we have problems, but we are intelligent enough to find solutions. After all, we call ourselves Homo sapiens, wise man. Then, I come across an article like this one from Fox News and I lose all hope for the future.

A 39-year-old Argentinean woman died after attempting to enhance the size of her breasts by injecting them with Vaseline, Medical Daily reported.

Sonia Perez Llanzon was admitted to the Lucio Molas hospital in Santa Rosa, Argentina after experiencing trouble breathing. Though Llanzon initially denied what she had done, she eventually confessed to doctors that she had injected herself with Vaseline several weeks earlier in the hopes of making her breasts larger. Doctors found several lesions on both breasts as a result of the home injections.

The Vaseline had entered Llanzon’s blood stream, causing blood clots that travelled to her lungs. Llanzon experienced a pulmonary embolism – a blockage of an artery in her lung – which resulted in her death.

“In all my medical career, I’ve never seen a case like this. The human body has antibodies to remove bacteria and viruses, but it hasn’t got any mechanisms against this type of product,” Julio Pla Cardenas, chief of surgery at Lucio Molas told La Capital.

I can’t imagine what this woman must have been thinking. Surely you do not need to know much about the workings of the human body to understand that injecting a foreign substance, such as Vaseline is not a good idea. It gets worse though. Here is what the men are trying.

Pla Cardenas said he has noticed an increasing number of people using Vaseline injections as a form of body augmentation, including men who have injected the product in the hopes of enhancing penis size.

That is a rather sensitive part of the male anatomy with a lot of blood vessels. I am trying not to be crude, but I would think that an injection of Vaseline, without any medical attention, would tend to impair the functioning of that organ. I just can’t imagine.

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