My Friend Barack Obama

I got an e-mail from the president himself yesterday. He is a friend of mine.


Friend —

The top Republican in the House said Americans should judge them not on how many laws they pass, but on how many they repeal.

The top Republican in the Senate said his top priority wasn’t to create jobs or expand opportunity, but to beat me.

I want to work with Congress wherever I can to do the job the American people sent us here to do — but it turns out Republicans and Democrats have some very different ideas about what that means.

Let me level with you: The only way we’re going to achieve our goals is by electing more Democrats in 2014.

Chip in $3 or more to help elect Democrats to a Congress we can all be proud of:


Barack Obama


All right, it is just a fund raising form e-mail, but I still feel special.


Personally, I think that the best thing Congress could do would be to take a year or two off from passing laws and working on repealing a lot of the obsolete, stupid, redundant, or useless laws we already have. They should then use the following year to go through every single federal agency, department and bureau and get rid of the ones that are no longer needed, not doing any work, or are redundant. They could start with an audit of the IRS, followed by a determination whether or not the surveillance done by the NSA has actually prevented  any terrorist attacks. As far as I am concerned, the fewer new laws, the better.

Official photographic portrait of US President...


I also think that the best way to create jobs or expand opportunity would be for Barack Obama to get out of the way. The best way to keep him from doing any more damage would be to make sure a lot of Republicans get elected to Congress so we can have more gridlock. For this reason, even though Barack Obama is my friend, I cannot, in good conscience, contribute $3 to help get more Democrats in Congress.







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