Straight Talking Joe Biden

The Vice-Presidential debate is this evening and I am sure it will be fun to watch. Meanwhile, I received the latest update from the Truth Team regarding all of the lies that Paul Ryan has been saying. I think they believe that if they say liar often enough, people will start to believe it. We’ll see.

David —

Over the course of his career, Joe Biden has always said exactly what he means, and people know they can count on the Vice President to be straight with them.

You can’t say the same about Paul Ryan.

Out on the campaign trail, Ryan has followed Mitt Romney’s lead — making a habit of misrepresenting or flat-out denying his unpopular, extreme positions, while distorting President Obama’s record. Both Romney and Ryan know that if they’re honest with the American people about their proposals and their records, it’ll hurt their chances to win the election.

Actually, that is sort of the problem with Joe Biden. He really does say whatever happens to be on his mind and he seems to lack the filter most of us have that keeps us from saying stupid or inappropriate comments.


I do hope that Paul Ryan is not underestimating Biden. Granted, that would be hard to do, but we really don’t need to be overconfident at this stage in the game. For that matter, I hope that no one is showing Romney and Ryan the latest polls. They need to campaign as though they are five points behind.



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